MLE Newsletters: 2024-25
- MLE Car Loop Reminders/Updates
- The week ahead
- PTA Back-to-School Family Picnic: Sept. 18
- Character Trait of the Month: Respect
- National Hispanic Heritage Month
- PTA website
- Action: Please pay school supply fee
- Strong school attendance matters
- Bond measure on November ballot; by the numbers video
- Important info: Monday late start tomorrow
- The week ahead...Kindness Kickoff week 2
- PTA website
- Action: Please pay school supply fee
- Maple Lawn Spirit Wear
- September is Attendance Awareness Month
- September meal menus; apply for free/reduced meals
- Bond measure on November ballot; by the numbers video
- Arrival and dismissal procedures
- The week ahead: Kindness kickoff
- Please pay for school supplies
- Maple Lawn spirit wear
- September meal menus; apply for free/reduced priced meals
- Find your bus route with MyRide K-12
- Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!
- Offices are now open
- Classroom teachers -- welcome letters mailed today
- Back to School Night: Aug. 28
- Visit our PTA
- Pay school supply fee
- Get a picture with our Husky mascot
- Playworks games
Archived Newsletters
2023-24 Newsletters
- Last Week of School
- Staff leaving
- Are you moving? Contact our office
- Save the date: Back to school night on Aug. 28
- Free lunches for children this summer, benefits available
- Key dates for 2024-25
- June character trait of the month
- Congratulations to Mr. Baker on his upcoming retirement!
- Upcoming week
- PTA Spring Carnival
- Yearbooks
- June Character Trait of the Month: Kindness
- Upcoming Week
- Lost Library Books?
- June Character Trait of the Month: Kindness
- Upcoming week
- Early Act Pet Drive at MLE
- May Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- PTA Information
- Staff Appreciation Week
- Mark your calendars! MLE Art Walk is coming on May 16
- Husky Choir at the Tacoma Rainiers Game
- May Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- PTA Updates
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- October 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
June 2023
Husky News: 6/18/23
Posted by SBLSD on 6/18/2023
- Happy Father's Day to all our Husky Dads!
- Last week of school
- No school: June 19
- Last day of school early dismissal: June 22
- Are you moving next year?
Husky News: 6/11/23
Posted by SBLSD on 6/11/2023
- Upcoming week
- Tomorrow: June 12 - No late start; two-hour early dismissal
- Spring Carnival: June 15
- Are you moving next year?
- June Character Trait of the Month: Kindness
Husky News: 6/4/23
Posted by SBLSD on 6/4/2023
- Upcoming week
- Yearbooks are on sale!
- Spring Carnival - June 15
- Are you moving next year?
- June Character Trait of the Month
- Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
May 2023
Husky News: 5/29/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/29/2023
- Upcoming week
- Art Show: Husky Mosaic Project
- Yearbooks on sale
- Spring Carnival: June 15
- District Fun Run 2023
- Are you moving next year?
- June Character Trait of the Month: Kindness
- Calendar reminders, updates
Husky News: 5/21/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/21/2023
- Upcoming Week
- State testing continues
- Yearbooks on sale
- District Fun Run
- Are you moving next year?
- May Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- Calendar reminders
Husky News: 5/14/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/14/2023
- Happy Mother's Day
- Upcoming week
- State Spring Testing begins this week for 5th graders
- MLE Art Walk May 18
- District Fun Run 2023
- Are you moving next year?
- Ready! For Kindergarten Spring Sessions
- Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
Husky News: 5/7/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/7/2023
- It's Staff Appreciation Week!
- Upcoming week...
- PTA General Meeting: 5/9
- Lost & Found
- Mark your calendars! State spring testing schedule
- Ready! For Kindergarten Spring Registration
- May Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- Calendar reminders
April 2023
Husky News: 4/30/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/30/2023
- Upcoming week
- Mark your calendars! State Spring Testing Schedule
- Are you moving next year?
- READY! For Kindergarten Spring Registration
- May Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- Calendar reminders, update
Husky News: 4/30/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/30/2023
- Upcoming week
- Mark your calendars! State Spring Testing Schedule
- Are you moving next year?
- READY! For Kindergarten Spring Registration
- May Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- Calendar reminders, update
Husky News: 4/23/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/23/2023
- Maple Lawn Huskies at the Rainiers
- Upcoming week
- Reminder: Family survey deadline, April 25
- East Pierce Fire & Rescue assembly this week
- PTA spring flower basket fundraiser
- READY! For Kindergarten spring registration
- April Character Trait of the Month: Courage
- Calendar reminders
Husky News: 4/16/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/16/2023
- Upcoming Week
- Class pictures: April 18
- Scholastic Spring Book Fair: April 18-21
- PTA Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser
- April Character Trait of the Month
- Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
Husky News: 4/9/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/9/2023
- Welcome back, Huskies!
- Upcoming week
- Scholastic Spring Book Fair: April 18-21
- April Character Trait of the Month: Courage
- Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
March 2023
Husky News: 3/26/23
Posted by SBLSD on 3/26/2023
- Upcoming Week
- Elementary Spring Conferences
- Spring Break: April 3-7
- MLE at the Rainiers
- March Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
- Right at School registration open for 2023-24 school year
- Calendar reminders, updates
Husky News: 3/20/23
Posted by SBLSD on 3/20/2023
- Reminders: Arrival and Dismissal
- The Week Ahead
- Upcoming Spring Dates
- Yearbook Pictures
- March Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
- Right at School registration open for 2023-24 school year
- Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
Husky News: 3/12/23
Posted by SBLSD on 3/12/2023
- The Week Ahead
- Spring dates to note
- From our PTA
- Yearbook pictures
- March Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
- Right at School registration open for 2023-24 school year
- Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
Husky News: 3/5/23
Posted by SBLSD on 3/5/2023
- The Week Ahead
- Reminder: No School March 17, Teacher Grading Day
- Mobile Dental Clinic coming to MLE
- District Art Show Winners!
- Yearbook Pictures
- Cooperation Highlight: Mrs. Long's 1st graders and Ms. Nazelrod's 3rd graders reading together
- March Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
- Right at School registration open for 2023-24 school year
- Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
February 2023
Husky News: 2/27/23
Posted by SBLSD on 2/28/2023
- The Week Ahead
- Donuts with Dudes
- Yearbook Pictures
- March Character Trait: Cooperation
- Calendar reminders, update; new last date of school
Husky News: 2/19/23
Posted by SBLSD on 2/21/2023
In this issue:
- The Week Ahead
- Donuts with Dudes
- Kinder Registration
- READY! For Kindergarten
- Character Trait of the Month
- Calendar Reminders
Husky News: 2/12/23
Posted by SBLSD on 2/12/2023
- Early Act at MLE
- The Week Ahead
- No School Monday, Feb. 20 for President's Day
- Donuts with Dudes: Feb. 27
- Kindergarten Registration
- Free workshop helps families prepare for kindergarten
- February Character Trait of the Month
January 2023
Husky News: 1/29/23
Posted by SBLSD on 1/29/2023
- The week ahead
- Missoula Children's Theatre performance of Rumpelstiltskin was fantastic!
- Regional Elementary Curriculum Showcase: 2/7/23
- February Trait of the Month: Honesty
Husky News: 1/22/23
Posted by SBLSD on 1/22/2023
- The Week Ahead
- Missoula Children's Theatre Auditions & Performance
- Regional Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- January Character Trait of the Month
- Mrs. Goodwin's 2nd graders working on perseverance!
- Perseverance poetry by Mrs. Blackwell's 4th graders!
- Mrs. Swarthout's and Mrs. Hoyt's 1st graders sharing how they show perseverance!
Husky News: 1/15/23
Posted by SBLSD on 1/15/2023
- Artwork in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The week ahead...
- Missoula Children's Theatre Auditions and Performance
- Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- January Character Trait of the Month
Husky News: 1/8/23
Posted by SBLSD on 1/8/2023
- Happy New Year!
- The Week Ahead
- Regional Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- January Character Trait of the Month: Perseverance
December 2022
Husky News: 12/11/22
Posted by SBLSD on 12/11/2022
- Picture from our 4th/5th Grade Choir Concert!
- The Week Ahead
- Winter Break: Dec. 19-Jan. 2
- Spirit Week at MLE: Dec. 12-16
- PTA Movie Night: Dec. 14
- Lost and Found
- Character Trait for December: Empathy
Husky News: 12/4/22
Posted by SBLSD on 12/4/2022
- Fun in the snow!
- The Week Ahead
- Holiday Hope Toy Drive for children at Mary Bridge Hospital
- PTA Movie Night Dec. 14
- Character Trait for December: Empathy
November 2022
Husky News: 11/20/22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/20/2022
- The Week Ahead
- Grateful!
- Gratitude: Character Trait of the Month
Husky News: 11/13/22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/13/2022
- Veterans Day Assembly and Recognition
- The Week Ahead
- STEM Fair Poster Contest
- Gratitude: November Character Trait of the Month
Husky News: 11/6/22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/6/2022
- The Week Ahead
- Veterans Day Assembly: Join us, Husky Families!
- Conferences are coming!
- Smartwatches
- READY! For Kindergarten Fall Sessions
- STEM Fair and District Art Show Poster Contest: Deadline Nov. 18
- DSHS Mobile Community Services Office Coming Soon
- Gratitude: Character Trait for November
- Box Tops for Education
October 2022
Husky News: 10/30/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/30/2022
- MLE Huskies in Sumner Homecoming Parade!
- The Week Ahead...
- Husky Price Harvest Day: 10/31
- Fundraiser Pckets due 10/31
- READY! For Kindergarten Fall Sessions
- STEM Fair Poster Contest
- DSHS Mobile Community Services Office Coming Soon
- Gratitude: Character Trait of the Month for November
- Box Tops for Education
Husky News: 10/23/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/23/2022
- Pumpkins all around our hallways!
- The week ahead
- Important dismissal reminders
- Looking ahead... Oct. 31
- DSHS Mobile Community Services Office Coming Soon!
- Responsibility: Character trait for October
- Box Tops for Education
Husky News: 10/16/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/16/2022
- The week ahead
- Vision & hearing screening: Oct. 18
- Looking ahead... Oct. 31
- Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
- Responsibility: Character trait for October
- Box Tops for Education
Husky News: 10/9/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/9/2022
- The week ahead
- Picture Day this Wednesday
- PTA general meeting this Tuesday
- Spirit wear store is open!
- Responsibility: Character trait for October
- Box Tops for Education
Husky News: 10/2/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/2/2022
- The week ahead
- Book Fair Week at MLE!
- Spirit Wear Store is open!
- Character Trait for October: Responsibility
- Box Tops for Education
September 2022
Husky News: 9/25/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/25/2022
- The Week Ahead
- Stay home if sick!
- Parent webinar: Supporting Youth During the Return to School
- Attendance Awareness Month
- Book Fair is coming!
- Respect: Character Trait of the Month
- Volunteers
- Box Tops for Education
- ACTION: Please pay school supply fee
Husky News: 9/18/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/18/2022
- The week ahead
- Attendance Awareness Month
- Respect: Character Trait of the Month
- Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
- Mes de la Herencia Hispana
- Volunteers
- Box Tops for education
- ACTION: Please pay school supply fee
- Changes to meal prices for the 2022-23 school year
Husky News: 9/11/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/11/2022
- The Week Ahead
- Late Start Monday Bus Schedule
- Arrival Reminders
- ACTION: Please Pay School Supply Fee
- Changes to Meal Prices for the 2022-23 School Year
Thank you and dismissal update!
Posted by SBLSD on 9/6/2022
Dear Husky Families,
Thank you for your patience and kindness on our first day of our new Silent Dismissal System! With any new system, there are always hiccups and things to be improved. Today, here were a few things that slowed down our dismissal.
1. Buses were 20-30 minutes late for us. This is very normal in the first couples weeks of school. Our transportation department is working hard to get to schools on time and get our kids home safely. Thank you for understanding!
2. In our system, we had 3:10pm as the time for students to begin exiting to our car loops. We have changed this to be a little earlier which will help move lines faster.
3. Student tags... please make sure you have your child's number tag. You will need this in order for us to dismiss your child. If you need a new one, you can call our office.
4. Not all students were entered into our dismissal system with a location or the location we had was not how the student was going home today. We have one location designated for your child. Please be sure to call our office before 2:30 pm if that is going to change for the day.
Thank you again for your patience and kindness. Our number one priority is the safety of every single Husky. Silent Dismissal allows us to account for every child. Many of our schools use this system for dismissal. It will get more smooth and fast as the days go by.
Have a wonderful evening!
Husky News: 9/2/22
Posted by SBLSd on 9/2/2022
- Important information: New dismissal system
- Arrival locations and time
- Message from our counselor, Mrs. Merritt!
- Action: Please pay school supply fee
- Changes to meal prices for the 2022-23 school year
August 2022
Husky BTSN and New Dismissal Information: 8/30/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/30/2022
- Back to School Night, Aug. 31
- Important information: New dismissal system
- School supply fee
- Changes to meal prices for the 2022-23 school year
Husky News: 8/24/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/26/2022
- MLE office opens Aug. 25
- Reminder: Back to School Night, Aug. 31
- School supply fee
- Changes to meal prices for the 2022-23 school year
Husky News: 8/16/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/16/2022
- Greetings Maple Lawn Huskies!
- MLE office opens Aug. 25
- Back to School Night: Aug. 31
- Teacher welcome letters
- School supply fee
- June 2022
- May 2022
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- October 2021
- September 2021
- August 2021
June 2022
Husky News: 6/19/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/19/2022
- Happy Father's Day!
- Last Day of School: Monday, June 20
- Maple Lawn staff leaving
- Maple Lawn office closes June 22
- Supplies for the 22-23 school year
- Save the Date: Back to School Night Aug. 31
- Free lunch at Daffodil Valley Elementary through the summer
- Key dates for 22-23 school year
Husky News: 6/12/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/12/2022
- The week ahead
- Last day of school: Monday, June 20
- PTA Spring Carnival: Thursday, June 16
- Juneteenth
- Supplies for the 2022-23 school year
- Staffing for the 2022-23 school year
- June Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- Free lunch throughout the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary
- Key dates
Husky News: 6/5/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/5/2022
- Choir concert photos
- The week ahead
- MLE flower basket pick-up June 8
- June Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- Quote of the Week: Maya Angelou
- Free lunch through the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary
- Key dates
May 2022
Husky News: 5/29/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/29/2022
- Wishing you all a good Memorial Day
- The week ahead
- Last week to buy yearbooks
- June Character Trait of the Month: Creativity
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
Husky News: 5/22/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/22/2022
- 5th graders working at Biztown!
- The week ahead
- A Children's Theatre performance
- READY! for Kindergarten spring sessions
- Yearbooks on sale now
- Are you moving next year?
- May Character Trait of the Month
- Quote of the week
- Key dates
Husky News: 5/15/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/15/2022
- A Children's Theatre auditions, performances
- SBA testing continues
- Yearbooks on sale now
- Thank you MLE families for a fabulous book fair!
- Are you moving next year?
- May Character Trait of the Month: Perseverance
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
Husky News: 5/8/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/8/2022
- The Week Ahead
- SBA Testing
- Yearbooks on sale now
- Are you moving next year?
- May Character Trait of the Month
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
Husky News: 5/1/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/1/2022
- Staff Appreciation Week!
- The Week Ahead...
- Lahar Evacuation Drill... A Huge Success!
- Missoula Children's Theatre Auditions and Performance
- Are you moving next year?
- May Character Trait of the Month
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
April 2022
Husky News: 4/24/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/24/2022
- The week ahead
- Lahar Evacuation Exercise this Friday
- Are you moving next year?
- PTA Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser
- Online Book Fair
- Attention: 5th grade parents
- April Character Trait of the Month: Honesty
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
Husky News: 4/17/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/17/2022
- The week ahead
- Photo gallery for Mrs. Eggum
- Spring Picture Day: April 19
- PTA Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser
- Attention: 5th grade parents
- April Character Trait of the Month: Honesty
- Quote of the Week
- Lahar evacuation drill information
- Key dates
Husky News: 4/10/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/10/2022
- Benefit Night raises $60K for Mrs. Eggum
- The week ahead
- Spring Picture Day: April 19
- PTA spring flower basket fundraiser
- Spring book fair this week
- Attention 5th grade parents
- April Character Trait of the Month
- Quote of the week
- Upcoming regional lahar exercise
- Key dates
Husky News: 4/3/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/3/2022
- The week ahead
- PTA Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser
- Spring Book Fair
- Pictures for fifth grade celebration
- April Character Trait of the Month
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
March 2022
Husky News: 3/20/22
Posted by SBLSD on 3/20/2022
- Fifth grade servant leaders in action!
- The week ahead
- PTA Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser
- Fifth grade parents: pictures sought for celebration
- Last call for yearbooks
- MLE spring spirit wear
- March character trait of the month
- Quote of the week
- Spring Break March 28 - April 1
Husky News: 3/13/22
Posted by SBLSD on 3/14/2022
- Planting marigolds
- The week ahead
- Looking ahead
- Yearbook deadline coming soon
- MLE spring spirit wear
- Kindergarten registration
- March Character Trait of the Month
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
Husky News: 3/6/22
Posted by SBLSD on 3/9/2022
- The Week Ahead
- Yearbook deadline coming soon
- Benefit Night Talent Show
- PTA meeting
- Kindergarten registration
- Character Trait of the Month
- Quote of the Week
- Key Dates
February 2022
Husky News: 2/27/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/27/2022
- Benefit Night: Support Mrs. Eggum
- The Week Ahead
- Vision and Hearing Screening
- Kindergarten Registration
- Character Trait of the Month: Responsibility
- Quote of the Week
- Key Dates
Husky News: 2/20/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/22/2022
- Benefit Night: Mrs. Eggum
- The Week Ahead
- Virtual Hiring Fair: Feb. 26
- Kindergarten Registration
- February Character Trait: Cooperation
- Quote of the Week
- Key Dates
Husky News: 2/13/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/14/2022
- Huskies enjoyed sunny recess
- The week ahead
- Why our 5th graders love Maple Lawn
- Kindergarten registration open
- READY! for Kindergarten workshops
- COVID Test to Stay Program
- February character trait of the month: Cooperation
- Quote of the Week
- Key dates
Husky News: 2/6/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/7/2022
- National School Counseling Week
- The week ahead
- Kindergarten registration
- Health protocol reminders
- COVID: Test to Stay Program
- February Character Trait: Cooperations
- Quote of the Week
- Family character activity
- Key dates
Husky News: 1/30/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/1/2022
- The week ahead
- Recognizing Huskies for courage
- Health protocol reminder
- February Character Trait: Cooperation
- Quote of the Week
- Family character activity
- Key dates
January 2022
Husky News: 1/23/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/24/2022
- The week ahead
- Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- Health protocols reminder
- January Character Trait: Courage
- Quote of the Week
- Family character activity
- Key dates
Husky News: 1/16/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/17/2022
- Quote of the Week
- The week ahead
- Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- Health protocol reminders
- January character trait: Courage
- Family character activity
- Key dates
Husky News: 1/9/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/9/2022
- PTA General Meeting
- Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- Health Protocol Reminders
- January Character Trait: Courage
- Quote of the Week
- Family Character Activity
- Key Dates
Husky News: 1/2/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/2/2022
- The Week Ahead
- Regional Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- January Character Trait of the Month: Courage
- Quote of the Week
- Family Character Activity
- Key Dates
December 2021
Husky News: 12/12/21
Posted by SBLSD on 12/13/2021
- Spirit Week
- Winter Break: Dec. 20-31
- Maple Lawn Gift Drive
- East Pierce Fire & Rescue Coats
- Husky Authors
- Lost & Found
- December Character Trait: Empathy
- Quote of the Week
- Family Character Activity
- Key Dates
Husky News: 12/5/21
Posted by SBLSD on 12/6/2021
The week ahead ...
- Monday: Late Start! Husky Pride Day!!
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Maple Lawn Gift Drive: December 6-13
Let's help support our community with gifts for the Holidays! You can send in unwrapped gifts with your child starting tomorrow, December 6th. We'll need all gifts to school by Monday, December 13th. We will have collection boxes around our halls of MLE! Here are ideas for gifts:
Block Puzzles, Pretend Kitchen Supplies, Building Blocks, Baby Dolls, Stuffies (Squishmallows,Care Bears, etc.), Board Books, Coloring Books, Clothing items (All Sizes)Theme Ideas: Mickey Mouse/Disney, Sesame Street
Elementary Age (5-11 y.o.)
Polly Pocket, Dolls (LOL, Barbie, etc.), Puzzles, Coloring Books with Pens/Markers, UNO, Legos, Fidgets/Popits, Art Supplies (spirograph, bracelet kits, etc.), Cars/Hot Wheels, Beyblade Burst, Kids fishing polesTheme Ideas: Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, Dragon Ball Z, Barbie
Secondary Age (12+)
Makeup, Clothing Items (Women’s sizes and men’s sizes, small-xl), Art Supplies, Fidgets/Popits, PuzzlesOne week left for Highly Capable referrals
Does your child perform at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others? Consider referring them for Highly Capable Services. Families, staff and community members may submit referrals using either the online form or hard copy form (available at schools). View these presentations to learn more about the referral process and the continuum of services. The referral deadline is Dec. 9.
Lost and Found!
Our lost and found continues to be very full. If your child is missing a sweater or coat please have them check our lost and found up by the main office. We will be donating any leftover items on December 17th.
December Character Trait of the Month
Empathy: The ability to understand and connect to the feelings of another.
Quote of the Week
Susan Sarandon is an actress. She encourages us all to practice Empathy for those who are less fortunate, and she advocates that everyone has equal rights, food, and safety.
Family Character Activity: Family Temperature Check!
Decide this week on a time and place to do a weekly Family Temperature Check. Sit together as a family and eliminate any distractions. Ask each family member, “how are you feeling today?” Practice active listening skills as family members each take a turn to talk about how they are feeling. When someone shares a challenging feeling, instead of jumping in to provide advice, take time to listen and use empathic statements like:
- “What has that been like for you?”
- “I’m sorry you are going through this.”
- “That sounds really hard for you.”
- “It makes me feel ____ to hear that happened.”
- “What do you need right now?”
To start, you can use a simple check-in system like, “How are you doing on a scale of 1-5 today?” As you get good at answering questions like that, you can continue to develop your emotional vocabulary and vulnerability as we family with more complex sharing!
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
November 2021
Husky News: 11/28/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/29/2021
The week ahead ...
- Monday: Late Start! Husky Pride Day!!
- Tuesday: Full Lockdown Drill
- Wednesday: Picture Retake Day!
- Thursday
- Friday
PTA Fall Fundraiser Back Orders!
Back ordered fundraiser items will be in the first week of December. More information will come closer to that time. Stay tuned!
December Character Trait of the Month!
This month we are talking about the social-emotional skill of Empathy. We are using this definition at school: Empathy: the ability to understand and connect to the feelings of another.
Empathy is a crucial skill for being in community with others and a powerful skill to develop in personal and professional relationships. We are focusing on a few key pieces of Empathy: knowing how we feel (and having language to describe those feelings!), understanding what others are feeling, and listening to others well so that we can connect in more meaningful ways! We will reflect on powerful images that will inspire conversations about emotions, connection, and friendship. We will think about incredible people like the Indian author Arundhati Roy and our past president Barack Obama have to say about Empathy. We will celebrate what makes us different and find the amazing things that bring us together.Quote of the Week
Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States. During his time as president and beforehand as a U.S. senator, Obama often encouraged Americans to practice Empathy and understand those who think and feel differently than ourselves.
Family Character Activity- Engage in conversations about Empathy!
Conversation Starters:
- How do you know what you are feeling? How can you tell how someone else is feeling?
- When do you feel most excited? Most upset? Most happy? Most sad?
- How do you show Empathy towards your friends when they are sad?
- What are things others might do when they’re sad, worried or frustrated? What might they say?
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Husky News: 11/21/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/22/2021
As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, I’d like to share with you that I am so thankful for the honor to serve all our husky students and families as principal of Maple Lawn Elementary. I’m also so thankful for all of our hardworking, dedicated staff who play a critical role in the education of all our students! They truly love every single Husky! I am so grateful for your support in the work we do every day, so all students grow and succeed at Maple Lawn and beyond. We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with family and friends!! Be safe and be grateful for all your blessings.
Much love,
Mrs. McDanielSo proud of our Huskies for all their GRATITUDE! It's all around our halls!!
The week ahead ...
Monday- Late Start! Husky Pride Day!!
Tuesday- Apple Cup Day OR college gameday. Friday is Apple Cup! We invite our students to dress in Washington State Cougar attire or University of Washington Husky attire, OR any other college team they like to root for. Hats are allowed for both our spirit days!
Conference Day-Early Release
Dismissal Order and Times for Early Release Days:
Daycare students released at 11:32
Walkers released at 11:33
Bus riders released 11:35-11:40
Car loop students released at 11:40. Please do not arrive before 11:40 to help with traffic around Maple Lawn. Thank you!If you have a change in how your child will be going home, please be sure to call our office BEFORE 11:00 am.
Wednesday- Friday: No School! Thanksgiving Break!Thank you, Sumner Rotary!
We are so grateful for our Sumner Rotary! Last week, Rotarians dropped off dictionaries for all of our third and fourth grade students at Maple Lawn.
Our students were so excited to receive their dictionary. Thank you, Sumner Rotary, for your ongoing support and partnership in learning.PTA Fall Fundraiser Back Orders!
Back ordered fundraiser items will be in the first week of December. More information will come closer to that time. Stay tuned!
Quote of the Week
Oprah Winfrey is an American media executive, actress, talk show host, television producer, and philanthropist. She overcame an incredibly difficult childhood to become a pioneer in entertainment as well as someone that millions look to for guidance. In her teachings, Oprah emphasizes the importance of Gratitude and she even created a Gratitude journal and meditations to help others practice daily.Family Character Activity-Family Gratitude Jar
Find a place in your home to display a glass jar. Cut up small slips of paper and place them next to the jar. Use the jar to collect special people, places, events, and memories that your family is thankful for. Find a time each week to add slips of Gratitude to the jar. Having a gloomy day or a challenging time as a family? Pull out the slips of Gratitude and read them aloud as a family as a reminder of all of your grateful moments.Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
2021-22 school year
2022-23 school year -
REMINDER: Early Release Tomorrow: 11/16/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/16/2021
Tomorrow begins our conference early release days. Conference days are November 17, 18, 19, and 23.
Dismissal Order and Times for Early Release Days:
- Daycare students released at 11:32
- Walkers released at 11:33
- Bus riders released 11:35-11:40
- Car loop students released at 11:40. Please do not arrive before 11:40 to help with traffic around Maple Lawn. Thank you!
If you have a change in how your child will be going home, please be sure to call our office.
Husky News: 11/14/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/14/2021
Monday- Late Start! Husky Pride Day!!Tuesday
Wednesday- Conference Day-Early Release at 11:40 am
Dismissal Order and Times for Early Release Days:
- Daycare students released at 11:32
- Walkers released at 11:33
- Bus riders released 11:35-11:40
- Car loop students released at 11:40. Please do not arrive before 11:40 to help with traffic around Maple Lawn. Thank you!
If you have a change in how your child will be going home, please be sure to call our office BEFORE 11:00 am.
Report Cards come home today!
Thursday- Conference Day-Early Release at 11:40 am
Friday- Conference Day-Early Release at 11:40 am
Looking ahead to next week...
Tuesday, November 23rd- Conference Day, Early Release @ 11:40am
November 24th-26th- Thanksgiving Break, No School
Character Trait of the Month!
Mrs. Bachman and 3rd Graders demonstrating GRATITUDE!
Quote of the Week
The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists and travels the world teaching about many virtues, including Gratitude. Buddhism is a religion that teaches that it’s important to be grateful no matter what you have or what is happening in your life and that Gratitude can be practiced and developed into a habit.
Family Character Activity- Our Thankful Things
What are the everyday things you’re grateful for that you might tend to take for granted like running water, electricity, or a washer and dryer? List those things at the dinner table to see how many thankful things your family actually has. See who can come up with the most “basic” thing, no matter how silly, and get creative with why we appreciate those very small items in our life! Over the course of the meal, brainstorm ways that you might more intentionally show Gratitude for those gifts.
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Thank you, Veterans!
Posted by SBLSD on 11/11/2021
Today we honor our Veterans, past and present, for all their service and sacrifice! From all of us at Maple Lawn, thank you! Please enjoy our virtual assembly, put on by our very own Mrs. Chittick and all our Husky students. Enjoy!
d/1o2d1NV49qMuAahBINnW1JPGQeUS HJ5FB/view -
Husky News: 11/7/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/7/2021
The week ahead...
Wednesday- Spirit Day!
In honor of Veterans Day, wear your red, white, and blue!
Veterans Day! No School
Friday- Blue Friday!! Or wear your favorite team!!
READY! for Kindergarten!
READY! for Kindergarten is a free program that offers age-appropriate targets, trainings and tools for parents and caregivers of children birth to age five that ensure children success in school.
Parents or caregivers attend workshops specific to the age of their child.
Class recommendation based on their birthdate and the year they will enter kindergarten (Birth to age 1, 1-2 years old, 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, and 4-5 years old)
Materials and information presented are tailored to the child’s age group. New materials and information provided at each seasonal session.
Multiple dates are offered for family convenience.
If you have multiple children, sign up for two dates or bring an additional adult to attend both workshops.
READY! classes are for parents. One set of handouts and tool kit is provided for each child, but an adult must attend the class to receive the materials. We cannot give you tools for someone else's child.
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District provides the READY! Program FREE to families within the school district boundaries. Out of district families are required to pay a one time $25 fee for Orientation Materials and a $60 fee for each class attended to cover the costs of the learning tool kits.
Spanish sessions offered for Kindergarten Class of 2022 and 2023
Character Trait of the Month
Check out Mrs. Hoyt's first graders' Gratitude tree! It's growing everyday!!
Quote of the Week- Thank you, Veterans!!
This week, let's express our gratitude to our Veterans for their service and sacrifice! Thank you to all members of our military, in all branches, past and present, living and dead. Thank you, Veterans!
Family Character Activity-Thank a Veteran this Week!
Write a note, make a phone call, or in person, thank someone you know who is a Veteran for their service and sacrifice!
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Husky Pride Assembly: 11/1/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/1/2021
Today we celebrated our October husky pride winners. Congratulations!!
October 2021
Husky News: 10/31/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/31/2021
Spirit day FUN!!
The Week Ahead...
October Husky Pride Assembly
PTA-Fall Fundraiser Pick Up
- In the Playshed
- After 3:30
Fall Fundraiser Pick Up!
Mark your calendars for November 2nd! You may pick up fundraiser items at the Maple Lawn playshed. To ensure our students have a smooth dismissal, no pickup will be authorized until after 3:30.
Conferences are Coming!
Elementary conferences will take place Nov. 17-19 and 23 with options for in-person or virtual formats. Please make sure you've signed up for a fall conference with your child's teacher.
Half-day, early dismissal bell schedule:
8:25 - 11:40 a.m.
READY! for Kindergarten!
READY! for Kindergarten is a free program that offers age-appropriate targets, trainings and tools for parents and caregivers of children birth to age five that ensure children success in school.
Parents or caregivers attend workshops specific to the age of their child.
Class recommendation based on their birthdate and the year they will enter kindergarten (Birth to age 1, 1-2 years old, 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, and 4-5 years old)
Materials and information presented are tailored to the child’s age group. New materials and information provided at each seasonal session.
Multiple dates are offered for family convenience.
If you have multiple children, sign up for two dates or bring an additional adult to attend both workshops.
READY! classes are for parents. One set of handouts and tool kit is provided for each child, but an adult must attend the class to receive the materials. We cannot give you tools for someone else's child.
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District provides the READY! Program FREE to families within the school district boundaries. Out of district families are required to pay a one time $25 fee for Orientation Materials and a $60 fee for each class attended to cover the costs of the learning tool kits.
Spanish sessions offered for Kindergarten Class of 2022 and 2023
Character Trait of the Month!
November's Character Trait of the Month!
This month we’re talking about Gratitude! The dictionary defines it as: “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” The definition we are using in class is:
Gratitude: choosing to notice and appreciate things in our life, things in others, and things in the world.
We want to make sure we share with students that Gratitude is 1) a choice that we get to make over and over again on where we put our focus and 2) doesn’t always have to be about something positive. We can feel grateful even for tough or challenging things in our life! There is plenty of research that shows a strong connection between Gratitude and reduced anxiety, increased happiness, and better relationships. Over the course of the month, we will talk about amazing people who demonstrate Gratitude in various ways. We will talk about what we are grateful for in ourselves and in others. And we will even find Gratitude in some things we wouldn’t expect to be thankful for!
Quote of the Week
Rasheed Ogunlaru is a life coach and speaker. Ogunlaru teaches that the best way to achieve happiness is to have Gratitude for yourself and all you have.
Family Character Activity- Letters of Gratitude
Have each person in the family draw or write a letter expressing gratitude to someone special people in your life; this could include family, friends, neighbors, school staff, or community members. Don’t forget to be specific and share how they make you feel!
When you have all completed the letter individually, drop them off in person or in the mail together!
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Husky News: 10/24/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/24/2021
The Week Ahead...
Monday- Late Start! Husky Pride Day!!Tuesday
- 4th and 5th grade SBA ELA
- 4th and 5th grade SBA ELA
Friday-Dress up day at Maple Lawn!
On Friday, October 29th, we are having a Harvest dress up day. Students are allowed to wear costumes to school OR dress up in their favorite fall colors. As with any dress up day, it is completely optional. If your child wears their costume to school, please help us with the following details:
- No costume face pieces
- No accessories (wands, swords, etc.) Head pieces, gloves are ok
- Regular Safety Face Masks are still mandatory
Conferences are Coming!
Elementary conferences will take place Nov. 17-19 and 23 with options for in-person or virtual formats. Please make sure to sign up for a fall conference with your child's teacher. Our goal is to conference with 100% of our families. Thank you for your partnership!
Half-day, early dismissal bell schedule:
8:25 - 11:40 a.m.
Character Trait of the Month!
Quote of the Week
Mariano Rivera is a Panamanian-American former professional baseball pitcher. Rivera has earned Respect from many, not just for how well he plays, but how he demonstrates Respect for others as well. Fellow player Michael Young said, “You appreciate someone who respects the game like he does, respects the people he plays with and against, and obviously his results speak for themselves.”
Family Character Activity- Respect the Planet
Talk about how you can Respect our planet by keeping it clean. Visit a place in your community where your family enjoys spending time – it could be a park, the library, a playground, or even your neighborhood. Take gloves and a trash bag with you and look for litter to pick up. Talk about how picking up litter helps our environment.
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Husky News: 10/17/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/17/2021
We are Radiating RESPECT at Maple Lawn!
The Week Ahead...
- Staff Professional Development Day
Wednesday-Bus Exit Drills- This will happen when students arrive in the morning.
Thursday- Great Washington Shakeout!
Friday- October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month-It's PINK OUT day at MLE!!
Great ShakeOut: Drop, cover and hold on
We'll be participating in the Great Washington ShakeOut this Thursday, Oct. 21. This annual statewide drill allows students and staff the opportunity to practice how to be safe during a big earthquake. We work in partnership with local law enforcement, first responders and county emergency management to prepare for emergency conditions in our schools. Learn more about our emergency preparedness, including communication tips and protocols.
Conferences are Coming!
Elementary conferences will take place Nov. 17-19 and 23 with options for in-person or virtual formats. In-person conferences will adhere to health and safety guidelines. These days will follow the half-day early dismissal schedule. Grab-and-go lunches will be provided. Your child's classroom teacher will be reaching out to you this Friday, October 22nd with details and sign-ups.
Half-day, early dismissal bell schedule:
8:25 - 11:40 a.m.
Character Trait of the Month!
Quote of the Week
Chief Dan George was a chief of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation as well as an actor, author, and poet. Through his art, Chief Dan George celebrated his culture and taught others to respect Native Americans.
Family Character Activity- Unplug and Plug In
Agree as a family to set aside a certain time frame each day this week to unplug from devices and plug into family time. It shows Respect, for example, to not bring those phones to the dinner table. How does it feel to experience proximity and practice our manners face-to-face? When else can you unplug to show Respect?
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
General PTA Meeting: 10/11/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/13/2021
Join us for our first General PTA Meeting of the 2021-2022 school year, on October 13th at 6:30 pm in the Maple Lawn Library. We are so excited to welcome families in person once again, and we kindly ask that you RSVP if you plan to attend. This will allow us to adhere to Covid-19 protocols for social distancing, which ensures continued in-person meetings. Please send your RSVP to
by October 13 at 4pm. Also, please be reminded that masks are required in the building. If you prefer to participate in the comfort of your own home, we have a virtual option! Please join our meeting at 6:30 pm. See link below!
We hope to see you there!
Join Zoom Meeting
7993121?pwd=cy9Vd0hoVm9qRWlOd3 ZRSi9JSE5WQT09 Meeting ID: 852 1799 3121
Passcode: 613337
Husky News: 10/10/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/10/2021
MLE 5th graders getting ready to march in the Sumner High School Homecoming Parade!!!Congratulations to all of our September Husky pride winners for following the Husky Way and demonstrating the character trait of Kindness.
The Week Ahead...
Wednesday- PICTURE DAY!
Friday- Blue Friday! Or wear your favorite sports team!
Looking ahead...
Next Monday, October 18th, there is NO SCHOOL! This is a staff professional learning day.
Picture Day is Wednesday!
Picture day information and online ordering are now available by visiting and searching for your school’s name. Your online order can be placed before and up to four (4) days after picture day.
La información del día de la fotografía y los pedidos en línea ahora están disponibles visitando y buscando el nombre de su escuela. Su pedido en línea se puede realizar antes y hasta cuatro (4) días después del día de la foto.
Need More Assistance? Contact our Customer Advocate Team by visiting, search for your school, and click on the yellow Help button associated with your picture day. ¿Necesitas más ayuda? Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de defensa del cliente visitando, busque su escuela y haga clic en el botón amarillo de Help asociado con el día de la foto.
Character Trait of the Month!
Quote of the Week
The Dalai Lama is an important religious leader in Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama travels the world teaching others about how to Respect themselves, each other, and the world. When Tibetan people were kicked out of their homes, the Dalai Lama created a new community where his people could care for themselves, one another, and their culture.
Family Character Activity- Respect the Planet!Talk about how you can Respect our planet by keeping it clean. Visit a place in your community where your family enjoys spending time – it could be a park, the library, a playground, or even your neighborhood. Take gloves and a trash bag with you and look for litter to pick up. Talk about how picking up litter helps our environment.
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Husky News: 10/3/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/3/2021
September Husky Pride Assembly!
We are not able to have our Husky Pride assemblies together in person, YET! We continue to have hope that sometime this year we will!
Here's a link to the virtual assembly.
The Week Ahead...
Monday- Late Start Day! HUSKY PRIDE Assembly Day!Tuesday
Wednesday- PTA Fall Fundraiser Ends TODAY!
Friday- Blue Friday! Or wear your favorite sports team!
Fall Testing!
Our Huskies in all grades have been working very hard on their fall reading and math benchmark tests!
In addition, for our 4th and 5th graders, annual accountability testing that would’ve been administered last spring is now taking place this fall. Tests include the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math, and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). Please see below our testing schedule for SBA.
October 20
- 4th SBA Math
- 5th SBA Math
October 21
- 4th SBA Math
- 5th SBA Math
October 22
- 4th and 5th Math make ups
October 25
- 4th and 5th SBA Math Make ups
October 26
- 4th SBA ELA
- 5th SBA ELA
October 27
- 4th SBA ELA
- 5th SBA ELA
October 28 and 29
- All 4th and 5th SBA Make ups
Testing will also occur in Spring 2022. Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will take the Smarter Balanced Assessments in English Language Arts and Math. Also, our 5th graders will take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science.
Picture Day is Coming To Your School! ¡El día de la foto llegará pronto a su escuela!
Picture day information and online ordering are now available by visiting and searching for your school’s name. Your online order can be placed before and up to four (4) days after picture day.
La información del día de la fotografía y los pedidos en línea ahora están disponibles visitando y buscando el nombre de su escuela. Su pedido en línea se puede realizar antes y hasta cuatro (4) días después del día de la foto.
Need More Assistance? Contact our Customer Advocate Team by visiting, search for your school, and click on the yellow Help button associated with your picture day. ¿Necesitas más ayuda? Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de defensa del cliente visitando, busque su escuela y haga clic en el botón amarillo de Help asociado con el día de la foto.
Character Trait of the Month!
For the month of October, we’re talking about the character trait of Respect. The dictionary defines it as the value of admiring another person for who they are and what they do. At Maple Lawn, we are using the definition from our PurposeFull People toolkit:
Respect: seeing good in people and things (and treating them with care).
We are also talking about Respect in the context of using good manners, not using inappropriate or offensive language, being courteous to one another, resolving conflicts peacefully, and treating one another as we would want to be treated (and how they want to be treated!).
Quote of the Week
Dr. Maya Angelou was a celebrated writer, teacher, actress, producer, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights activist—was honored as the inaugural National Dignity & Respect Champion in 2011. Dr. Angelou knew that people are strongest when they stick together through kindness and Respect, and she taught others how to be respectful through her writing, speeches, and presentations.
Family Character Activity- beginning of the month conversation starters and questions to ask!
Conversation Starters:
- Talk with your child about what it means to be respectful, to be courteous and to use their manners, to solve conflict peacefully, and what it means to treat others the way they want to be treated.
- Talk about a time you felt disrespected and what you did about it in a way that demonstrated Respect.
Questions to ask:
- What do “good manners” look like in our family? How does using good manners show Respect?
- How does it feel to be respected? How does it feel to be disrespected? Who are the most respectful people you know?
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Complete meal application for additional benefits
Did you know that while students can eat for free this year, qualified families are eligible for additional benefits? In order to receive these benefits, families must complete a free and reduced-price meal application. Additional benefits include:
Funds for groceries through the P-EBT program
Waived/reduced school and extracurricular fees
Comcast Internet Essentials
September 2021
Husky News: 9/19/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/19/2021
Kindness in Action!
Our very own, Nash Hardtke, 5th grader at Maple Lawn, demonstrating kindness to us all! Nash and his brother Hudson spent time on Saturday mowing our field so our Huskies could have fun playing! Thank you, Nash! What an incredible act of kindness!!
The Week Ahead...
- Students will begin entering at 9:45 am.
- Our Monday officially begins at 10:00 am.
TODAY is the last day to buy spirit wear. Buy Spirit Wear Here!
Wednesday- PTA Fall Fundraiser Begins!
- See information below
- Packets come home today
Friday- Blue Friday! Or wear your favorite sports team!
MLE Book Fair!
The Virtual Book Fair is happening now! The virtual book fair will run September 19 through October 2. Here is the link to shop:
The book fair is also coming in-person to Maple Lawn Elementary! The book fair will be located in the library and run September 28 through September 30. Students will be allowed to shop at the book fair during certain allotted times between the hours of 8:30am to 11:30am. More information will be coming soon with your child's class assigned time.
Safety Protocols
there has been close contact with anyone confirmed to have, or suspected to have, COVID-19
the student has tested positive for, or is waiting on a test for, COVID-19
the student has been told to self-isolate or quarantine by public health or a medical professional
symptoms indicating illness are present
Please call our main office if any of these conditions apply. Our staff will work with the district office to identify next steps.
Character Trait of the Month
Quote of the Week
Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese-American poet, writer, and artist. His writing and art often focuses on the power of Kindness and love.
Family Character Activity- Questions to ask!
This week, during a car ride, a walk, or at the dinner table, have a conversation around these questions:
- There’s a t-shirt that reads, “Be Kind to Everyone.” Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
- In our family, give examples of how we show Kindness to others? How can we bring even more Kindness into our home?
- When are times that it’s difficult for you to show Kindness? What clues do your mind or body give you that you’re having a hard time practicing Kindness? What helps you practice Kindness even if it’s difficult?
Complete meal application for additional benefits
Did you know that while students can eat for free this year, qualified families are eligible for additional benefits? In order to receive these benefits, families must complete a free and reduced-price meal application. Additional benefits include:
Funds for groceries through the P-EBT program
Waived/reduced school and extracurricular fees
Comcast Internet Essentials
Husky Spirit Wear: 9/17/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/17/2021
Before we head to the weekend, we wanted to remind you that there are just a couple more days to purchase PTA Husky spirit wear. The deadline is 9/19/21.
Happy Friday!
Husky News: 9/12/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/12/2021
What a wonderful first week of school!
Our students did an amazing job this week, settling back into full time school. Our students spent time this week learning or reviewing our Husky Way building wide expectations. They spent time building relationships with their teacher and their classmates. Their smiles brought joy to all of us!!Thank you to our families for all your support this first week back. Thank you to our incredible staff for the hard work that went into a successful first week of school. And thank you to our wonderful students for working so hard this week! It's going to be a great year!!
REMINDER: Late Start Mondays
Our weekly late-start day is on Mondays for the 2021-22 school year. This schedule begins tomorrow, Sept. 13. Referred to as “Late Start Monday,” these are days when students will catch the bus and begin school about 90 minutes later than other days. This late start schedule one day a week allows teachers to participate in professional learning groups to collaboratively plan, learn and share instructional practices, which increases school performance and student achievement.
This Week
- Students will begin entering at 9:45 am.
- Our Monday officially begins at 10:00 am.
This year our Husky Pride days will be on Mondays! Please help your child wear their Husky spirit wear or our school color, Purple! Buy Spirit Wear Here!
Friday- Blue Friday! Or wear your favorite sports team!
Safety Protocols
there has been close contact with anyone confirmed to have, or suspected to have, COVID-19
the student has tested positive for, or is waiting on a test for, COVID-19
the student has been told to self-isolate or quarantine by public health or a medical professional
symptoms indicating illness are present
Please call our main office if any of these conditions apply. Our staff will work with the district office to identify next steps.
Wear masks at all times while on the bus and in the building, unless eating or drinking. Masks are not required out at recess.
Follow 3-feet social distancing expectations as much as possible; classroom desks are arranged to provide at least 3-feet of social distancing between students.
Wash hands or use hand sanitizer multiple times throughout the day.
Character Trait of the Month!
Quote of the Week
In this quote Maya Angelou is asking us to be kind to someone when they are having a bad day.
Maya Angelou was a writer, poet, and activist. She overcame many hardships in her life and in her writing and teachings, she frequently reminded us of the importance of Kindness and caring when making it through difficult times.
Family Character Activity- A Bouquet of Kindness
Pick a bouquet of flowers from your flower garden, pick some wildflowers on a walk, or pick up a bouquet at the store. Take the entire bouquet to someone, just because! Or, take single flowers to the neighbors on your street.
Have a conversation with your child about why being kind to our environment is important and how the different flowers you found or plucked or bought remind you of kind moments in your life.
Complete meal application for additional benefits
Did you know that while students can eat for free this year, qualified families are eligible for additional benefits? In order to receive these benefits, families must complete a free and reduced-price meal application. Additional benefits include:
Funds for groceries through the P-EBT program
Waived/reduced school and extracurricular fees
Comcast Internet Essentials
Principal Update: 9/8/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/8/2021
I want to start by thanking you all for your patience as we work towards a safe and smooth dismissal. Today, all of our buses were at MLE and loaded 30-45 minutes earlier than yesterday. We changed our system for loading students and it went much quicker. Our late bus, bus 59, was able to play outside on the playground while waiting for their bus to arrive. They were loaded and on their way by 3:55 today. This is a celebration on our second day of school!
We are aware of the long lines backing up for both our car pick up loops. We need your help! Please do not arrive until 3:10. Our students begin walking out of class at 3:11. Today, our loops were completely full at 2:45 and dismissal isn't until 3:10. We really believe if parents wait to come to the pick up loops at our 3:10 dismissal, it will be so much safer and much less frustrating. If you are picking up in our back MLE loop, it is very important that the Wood and Willow intersection is not blocked. Our buses turn at that intersection.
Please remember to call the office if your child has a change in pick up at dismissal. Our teachers work hard to ensure they are going to the right spot.
Thank you again for all your patience! And as we work this month to focus on the character trait of kindness, we appreciate your kindness towards our staff!
Have a wonderful evening. We had a great 2nd day of school and look forward to seeing all our Huskies tomorrow!!
Husky News: 9/6/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/6/2021
Welcome to the 21-22 school year!
We are so excited to get this school year going! It was wonderful seeing so many Huskies at our Back to School Night. We hope you enjoyed your time with us. Thank you for spending the time at our rock painting station to share what you love about Maple Lawn. Our Husky community rock garden is complete.
Maple Lawn Elementary Community Rock Garden!
The Week Ahead...
Tuesday- 1st Day of School
Friday- Blue Friday! Or wear your favorite sports team!
MLE $20 Student Supply Fee
If you haven’t had a chance to pay the 2021/2022 MLE student supply fee below are some options:
Call the MLE office at (253) 891-4400 to pay by debit or credit card
Send $20 cash or check to school with your student
Pay online through family access Directions to Pay $20 Supply Fee
Thank you for your continued support!
REMINDER: Arrival Procedures
Tuesday-Friday: At 8:10 am, students will begin entering our building.
Monday Late Start: At 9:45 am students will begin entering our building.
Please do not arrive any earlier than 8:10 am (T,W,TH,F) and 9:45 am (Mondays) as our supervision doesn’t begin until then. This also helps us with traffic flow. Thank you!
Where do I drop my child off?
Bus Riders and Walkers
Students will enter through our FRONT ENTRANCE. We ask that parents who are walking their child to school, say your goodbye out front. To ensure social distancing and safety for all, we are not allowing parents to walk into the building at this time. We have many staff members staged in all areas of the building to help greet and guide our Huskies safely to their classroom.
DLC Students
Students will enter the building through our SIDE ENTRANCE (by the reader board). Parents may park and walk their child to our staff by the entrance.
1st graders, Mr. Voiles, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hopper, and Mrs. Eggum AND siblings in these classes
Students will be dropped off in the SUMNER MIDDLE SCHOOL LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when dropping off. We have many staff members staged in all areas of the building to help greet and guide our Huskies safely to their classroom.
Please do not arrive before 8:10 am
2nd graders, 5th graders, Mrs. Bachman, Mrs. Blanco, Mrs. Nazelrod, Mrs. Blackwell, and Mrs. Duncanson
Students will be dropped off in the BACK MAPLE LAWN PARKING LOT LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when dropping off. We have many staff members staged in all areas of the building to help greet and guide our Huskies safely to their classroom.
Please do not arrive before 8:10 am
REMINDER: Dismissal Procedures
Monday-Friday: At 3:10 pm
Please do not arrive to pick up your child any earlier than 3:10 pm. Students will not be leaving their classroom for parent pick up until 3:11 pm. This will help us with traffic flow and safety of cars and buses around our school. Thank you!
Where do I pick up my child?
Bus Riders and Walkers
Students will exit through our FRONT ENTRANCE.
If your child is walking, please make sure your teacher knows. If you are walking to pick up your child, you may come to the front entrance.
This year, we have a few late buses. Here are our estimated times of departure from MLE.
Bus 50, 53 will depart MLE at 3:17 pm
Bus 42, 72 will depart MLE at 3:20 pm
Bus 59 will depart MLE at 3:30 pm
Please go to our district website and go to transportation if you need to find your child’s bus number.
DLC Students
Students will exit the building through our SIDE ENTRANCE (by the reader board). Parents may park and walk to pick up their child with our staff by the entrance.
1st graders, Mr. Voiles, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hopper, and Mrs. Eggum AND siblings in these classes
Students will be picked up in the SUMNER MIDDLE SCHOOL LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when picking up.
Please do not arrive before 3:10 pm.
2nd graders, 5th graders, Mrs. Bachman, Mrs. Blanco, Mrs. Nazelrod, Mrs. Blackwell, and Mrs. Duncanson
Students will be picked up in the BACK MAPLE LAWN PARKING LOT LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when picking up.
Please do not arrive before 3:10 pm.
Character Trait of the Month!
This month we’re talking about the beautiful character trait of Kindness. The dictionary defines it as: “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” But it is so much more than that! The definition we are using at Maple Lawn is:
Kindness: the choice to act with words, gifts, or actions to bring appreciation, positivity, and encouragement to others and yourself.
The key part of this definition is that Kindness is a choice that we get to make every day to bring good things into our lives and the world. Those good things can look like more than just some kind words; Kindness is given through our actions and our encouragement and our attitude and our gifts. We will spend time thinking about how to be kind to ourselves, to our environment, to animals, and to one another. We will get to experience meaningful words through compliments and feel the joy that comes from showing appreciation to others. We will think about how people like Jackie Chan and Booker T. Washington and Maya Angelou teach us Kindness. It will be a powerful and positive time at Maple Lawn!
Ask your child throughout the month to share about what they are learning about Kindness!
Quote of the Week
Jackie Chan is a Chinese martial artist and movie star. Chan is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United States, traveling the world showing Kindness and Empathy for children who are sick or don’t have a lot of money. He is known for being exceptionally kind and supportive to his group – The Jackie Chan Stunt Team – and many of the members consider him a brother. Jackie Chan has also shown Kindness by founding multiple charities to support important causes.
Family Kindness Challenge
Over dinner tonight, brainstorm ways that you can show Kindness to your neighbors. Maybe you’ve noticed that your neighbor hasn’t walked his dog in a while. Perhaps there are some leaves that need to be raked or flower gardens that need to be weeded. Are there trash cans that could be brought in off of the curb? Or might there be a car that you’d be willing to wash? Discuss which service you might want to offer, then knock on a door and ask, “Need some help?”
Directory information withholding
Parents and guardians may choose whether their child’s name, photos and other directory information is used in district and school publications (print and electronic), social media, websites, videos or by the news media.
If you would like to opt your child out, complete the Directory Information Withholding Form and return it to your child’s school. Please think carefully before restricting this information as your child’s name and photo cannot be included in yearbooks or be part of classroom, team or club photos.If you complete the Directory Information Withholding Form, your child’s directory information will also not be disclosed to outside organizations, the military, institutions of higher education or used in any communication that could reach the public or media. Learn more about keeping directory information private.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures: 9/3/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/3/2021
Dear Husky Families,
We are so excited to welcome our Huskies back next Tuesday, September 7th. Please read carefully our arrival and dismissal details below. Please be sure to email your child’s teacher their bus number and/or how they will be going home, if you haven’t done so.
Tuesday-Friday: At 8:10 am, students will begin entering our building.
Monday Late Start: At 9:45 am, students will begin entering our building.
Please do not arrive any earlier than 8:10 am (T,W,TH,F) and 9:45 am (Mondays) as our supervision doesn’t begin until then. This also helps us with traffic flow and safety. Thank you!
Where do I drop my child off?
Bus Riders and Walkers
Students will enter through our FRONT ENTRANCE. We ask that parents who are walking their child to school, say your goodbye out front. To ensure social distancing and safety for all, we are not allowing parents to walk into the building at this time. We have many staff members staged in all areas of the building to help greet and guide our Huskies safely to their classroom.
DLC Students
Students will enter the building through our SIDE ENTRANCE (by the reader board). Parents may park and walk their child to our staff by the entrance.
1st graders, Mr. Voiles, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hopper, and Mrs. Eggum AND siblings in these classes
Students will be dropped off in the SUMNER MIDDLE SCHOOL LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when dropping off. We have many staff members staged in all areas of the building to help greet and guide our Huskies safely to their classroom.
Please do not arrive before 8:10 am.
2nd graders, 5th graders, Mrs. Bachman, Mrs. Blanco, Mrs. Nazelrod, Mrs. Blackwell, and Mrs. Duncanson
Students will be dropped off in the BACK MAPLE LAWN PARKING LOT LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when dropping off. We have many staff members staged in all areas of the building to help greet and guide our Huskies safely to their classroom.
Please do not arrive before 8:10 am.
Our day officially begins at 8:25. If you arrive after 8:25, please come to the front of the building, park, and walk your child to the front entrance where you will sign them in. Thank you!
Monday-Friday: At 3:10 pm
Please do not arrive to pick up your child any earlier than 3:10 pm. Students will not be leaving their classroom for parent pick up until 3:11 pm. This will help us with traffic flow and safety of cars and buses around our school. Thank you!
Where do I pick up my child?
Bus Riders and Walkers
Students will exit through our FRONT ENTRANCE.
If your child is walking, please make sure your teacher knows. If you are walking to pick up your child, you may come to the front entrance.
This year, we have a few late buses. Here are our estimated times of departure from MLE.
Bus 50, 53 will depart MLE at 3:17 pm
Bus 42, 72 will depart MLE at 3:20 pm
Bus 59 will depart MLE at 3:30 pm
Please go to our district website and go to transportation if you need to find your child’s bus number.
DLC Students
Students will exit the building through our SIDE ENTRANCE (by the reader board). Parents may park and walk to pick up their child with our staff by the entrance.
1st graders, Mr. Voiles, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hopper, and Mrs. Eggum AND siblings in these classes
Students will be picked up in the SUMNER MIDDLE SCHOOL LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when picking up.
Please do not arrive before 3:10 pm.
2nd graders, 5th graders, Mrs. Bachman, Mrs. Blanco, Mrs. Nazelrod, Mrs. Blackwell, and Mrs. Duncanson
Students will be picked up in the BACK MAPLE LAWN PARKING LOT LOOP. We ask that parents stay in their car when picking up.
Please do not arrive before 3:10 pm.
URGENT: If your child will be going home a different way other than the one shared with the teacher, please call our office PRIOR to 2:30 so we can communicate that change to the teacher. Students will receive a note with their alternate way of dismissal.
Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!! We are ready for our Huskies to start our 21-22 school year on Tuesday!
August 2021
Back to School Night TONIGHT: 8/31/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/31/2021
Husky Families,
We are looking forward to seeing you tonight, anytime between 5:00-7:00 pm. You'll meet your teacher, can pay your supply fee, and enjoy some fun activities. STUDENT MEDICATIONS: Mrs. Wakefield will be in the health room tonight. If you have medications to drop off, please stop by the health room in the main office to drop them off. Thank you!
Reminder: Back to School Night
Posted by SBLSD on 8/29/2021
Maple Lawn Elementary Back to School Night is this Tuesday, August 31st from 5:00-7:00pm.
When: Tuesday, August 31st
Time: 5:00-7:00 pm (open house style, come anytime in these 2 hrs)
Where: Maple Lawn Campus
What: Scavenger Hunt
- Masks are required at all times when indoors
- Please park in the back parking lot by the fields or around the streets of Sumner. Our other lots will be closed
- Upon arrival, please come to the front entrance to receive your scavenger hunt card and map of the campus
- Please go in the order on your card to help us with spacing of people
- See details below on our scavenger hunt stations
Meet your Teacher and See Your Classroom
During this station, you'll have a chance to meet your teacher and see your classroom. Please come through the front entrance where we will have helpers guiding you to your child's room. MASKS are required at all times inside! Please exit out the nearest door when you are done. In order for us to ensure social distancing, we ask that you only visit the classroom for 5-10 minutes. Thank you!
Visit our PTA
Our PTA will have information tables set up for you to visit. Please find them in the front parking lot by the reader board.
Pay your Supply Fee
Directions for paying in Skyward
Visit our Husky mascot and get your picture taken!
Come to the bus loop where we'll have picture stations set up for you to take a picture! Our Husky will be there to say hi!
Playworks Games
Come to the playground and visit our recess coaches who will have Playworks games set up for you to play!
Stomp Rockets with our Specialists!
Head out to the field for some fun with stomp rockets! Say hello to Mr. Isaacs, Mr. Huse, Mr. Baker, and Mrs. Chittick!
Family Rock Painting
What do you love about Maple Lawn? If you're new, what are you excited about this school year? You and your family will get to paint a rock that we'll spread out around our campus this year for our community to see!
Husky News: 8/24/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/24/2021
We are just one week away from welcoming all our Huskies back to school. We are so excited to see you at our Back to School Night!
Offices are now open!
Please give our office a call if you have any questions about the start of the year!We are open from 7:30-4:00. Our number is 253-891-4400
21-22 Classroom Teacher
We are finalizing class lists this week and teacher letters will be mailed out to you on Thursday. Look for your letter to come by the weekend! Our teachers are excited to meet you!
Back to School Night 2021
Time: 5:00-7:00 pm (open house style, come anytime in these 2 hrs)
Where: Maple Lawn Campus
What: Scavenger Hunt
- Please park in the back parking lot by the fields or around the streets of Sumner. Our other lots will be closed
- Upon arrival, please come to the front entrance to receive your scavenger hunt card and map of the campus
- Please go in the order on your card to help us with spacing of people
- See details below on our scavenger hunt stations
Meet your Teacher and See Your Classroom
During this station, you'll have a chance to meet your teacher and see your classroom. Please come through the front entrance where we will have helpers guiding you to your child's room. MASKS are required at all times inside! Thank you!
Visit our PTA
Our PTA will have information tables set up for you to visit. Please find them in the front parking lot by the reader board.
Pay your Supply Fee
Directions for paying in Skyward
Visit our Husky mascot and get your picture taken!
Come to the bus loop where we'll have picture stations set up for you to take a picture! Our Husky will be there to say hi!
Playworks Games
Come to the playground and visit our recess coaches who will have Playworks games set up for you to play!
Stomp Rockets with our Specialists!
Head out to the field for some fun with stomp rockets! Say hello to Mr. Isaacs, Mr. Huse, Mr. Baker, and Mrs. Chittick!
Family Rock Painting
What do you love about Maple Lawn? If you're new, what are you excited about this school year? You and your family will get to paint a rock that we'll spread out around our campus this year for our community to see!
Save the Date! Back to School Night!
Posted by SBLSD on 8/13/2021
Tuesday, August 31 from 5:00-7:00!
Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer! We can't wait to see you!